Get access to the PicklePlex
To play at the PicklePlex you'll need to join with a membership for unlimited play or sign up for non-member access with a PlexPass and then buy a day pass each day you want to play. There are memberships to suit year-round, seasonal, and summer residents, and a special type of membership for FSW students. Check out all the options below then choose the one that's right for you!
(Please visit the FAQ section for the PicklePlex Badge Policy)

With the Annual Membership you get unlimited PicklePlex access 365 days a year for only $225 and you are welcome to bring guests with the purchase of daily guest passes. This membership is recurring, so you'll never have to worry about it expiring. You may cancel renewal at any time, although there are no pro-rata refunds for the current year.
Annual Membership

Seasonal memberships are great for players who don't play in the summer. You get unlimited PicklePlex access from 10/1/2024 to 5/31/2025 for only $175. You are welcome to bring guests with the purchase of daily guest passes.
Seasonal Membership